Director Message


Greetings, future students

For more than 8 years, GMAP Canada has advised students on the best places to study. It is one of the top organizations in northern India that recruits foreign students.

We also have a solid market foundation that is built more on reputation than marketing. Our top priority is students' careers, and we think that trust can be established by offering the best through our personalized services. From counseling and visa help to pre-departure, we assist students at every stage. Even after the students arrive at their desired location, we continue to provide support for them.

The goal of GMAP Canada is to rank among the best education consultants in India. We have a solid staff that works hard to provide our clients with as many individualized & professional services as they can. Our career counselors are well-trained to advise students on careers that are in demand and also make an effort to match the career with the student's profile. Our team's commitment ensures our students' success. To help you understand the culture and expectations of the educational system you are about to enter, we will give you accurate information.